Irrelevant Magazine: How the Wyoming Caucus Really Works

Saturday, January 05, 2008

How the Wyoming Caucus Really Works

Detailed Explanation of how the Wyoming Caucuses work.
Condensed Explanation of how the Wyoming Caucuses work.
"The way it will work is that the county chair will ask any registered Republican to write their name on a blackboard, and next to that which candidate they would support," says Tom Sansonetti, the 2008 Republican County Convention Coordinator. "There may be multiple potential delegates for each candidate, or just one, or none. Then they address the delegates and say why they support the candidate they support. And then they vote, and keep voting until someone gets 50 percent plus one." They knock off the potential delegate who came in last each time.

There are 12 Delegates and 12 Alternates. A candidate winning Alternates may be benefitted in the long run even if the "polls" indicate that another candidate has the delegates. That's why the media does not care about Wyoming and why none of the candidates rushed out to Wyoming after Iowa.

According to Lew Rockwell:
The Wyoming county conventions were NOT open to Republican voters. Eligible delegates consisted of only two groups: Republican party officials who were elected in 2006; and delegates who were appointed (by established precinct organizations) to fill empty delegate seats.


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